37-15-204. Price schedules.
(a) A local exchange company shall file with the commission, in such form and detail as the commission may require, schedules showing all noncompetitive telecommunications services terms, conditions and prices currently in effect and charged to customers by the company in this state. All prices for new noncompetitive telecommunications services, and any increase in prices for noncompetitive telecommunications services as authorized by the commission pursuant to W.S. 37-15-203, shall be filed thirty (30) days prior to the proposed effective date. No price increase for a noncompetitive service shall be effective unless the customer has been given notice by the provider at least one (1) full billing cycle prior to the proposed increase and the increase has been approved by the commission as required by W.S. 37-15-203. No price or price change is effective until filed in accordance with this section. For purposes of this subsection, the rules, regulations, policies, practices and other requirements relating to services shall be filed with the commission in such form and detail as the commission may require. Rules, regulations, policies, practices and other requirements relating to noncompetitive services shall be subject to the same requirements under this chapter as the prices of noncompetitive services.
(b) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 142, § 2.
(c) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 142, § 2.
(d) Repealed by Laws 2015, ch. 96, § 2.