33-48-104. Wyoming combat sports commission; report to legislature; repeal of chapter.
(a) The commission shall make a full report to the joint travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources interim committee of all proceedings during the two (2) years preceding the first day of December before the beginning of the general session of the legislature. The report shall contain a statement of persons, clubs, organizations or corporations issued licenses, the number of licenses revoked, suspended or denied, the gross receipts from each person, club, organization or corporation, and other information and comments in relation to the work of the commission as public interest may require.
(b) If the commission raises fees pursuant to W.S. 33-48-108(b) and determines that the money received under this chapter remains insufficient to continue operations, the commission shall report that information to the legislature and shall not request any appropriation from the legislature. W.S. 33-48-101 through 33-48-117 are repealed, effective upon adjournment of the first legislative session convened after the date a report under this subsection is made.