General Powers of Local Authorities.

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31-5-109. General powers of local authorities.

(a) This act does not prevent local authorities with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power from:

(i) Regulating or prohibiting stopping, standing or parking;

(ii) Regulating traffic by means of police officers, authorized flagmen or official traffic-control signals;

(iii) Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the highways;

(iv) Designating particular highways or roadways for use by traffic moving in one (1) direction as authorized by W.S. 31-5-208;

(v) Repealed By Laws 2002, Ch. 68, § 2.

(vi) Designating any highway as a through highway or designating any intersection or junction of roadways as a stop or yield intersection or junction;

(vii) Regulating the operation of bicycles and electric bicycles and requiring the registration and licensing of bicycles and electric bicycles, including the requirement of a registration fee;

(viii) Regulating or prohibiting the turning of vehicles or specified types of vehicles;

(ix) Altering or establishing speed limits as authorized by this act;

(x) Requiring written accident reports as authorized by W.S. 31-5-1106;

(xi) Designating no-passing zones as authorized in W.S. 31-5-207;

(xii) Prohibiting or regulating the use of controlled-access roadways by any class or kind of traffic as authorized in W.S. 31-5-213;

(xiii) Prohibiting or regulating the use of heavily traveled streets by any class or kind of traffic found to be incompatible with the normal and safe movement of traffic;

(xiv) Establishing minimum speed limits as authorized by W.S. 31-5-304(b);

(xv) Designating and regulating traffic on play streets;

(xvi) Regulating persons propelling push carts;

(xvii) Regulating persons upon skates, coasters, sleds, motorized skateboards and other toy vehicles;

(xviii) Adopting and enforcing such temporary or experimental regulations as may be necessary to cover emergencies or special conditions;

(xix) Prohibiting drivers of ambulances from exceeding maximum speed limits;

(xx) Adopting such other traffic regulations as are specifically authorized by this act.

(b) No local authority shall erect or maintain any official traffic-control device at any location so as to require the traffic on any state highway to stop before entering or crossing any intersecting highway unless approval in writing has first been obtained from the highway department.

(c) No ordinance or regulation enacted under paragraphs (a)(iv), (v), (vi), (viii), (ix), (x), (xiii) or (xv) of this section is effective until official traffic-control devices giving notice of the local traffic regulations are erected upon or at the entrances to the highway or part thereof affected as may be most appropriate.

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