Nonpayment of Fees, Taxes, Penalties or Interest.

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31-18-707. Nonpayment of fees, taxes, penalties or interest.

All fees under chapter 18 of title 31, diesel fuel taxes, penalty or interest under title 39 or commercial vehicle registration fees under title 31 become delinquent if not paid as provided for by law from the date due. Delinquent diesel fuel taxes, penalties, interest or commercial vehicle registration fees are a lien on all motor vehicles owned or operated in this state by the person liable for payment of the taxes, penalties, interest or fees. If any such taxes, penalties, interest or fees remain delinquent for thirty (30) days or if any vehicle subject to the lien is about to be removed from the state, the department or its authorized enforcement agent may seize and sell the vehicle subject to all existing liens and security interests held by others, at public auction upon notice to the owner and lienholder of record as provided by Rule 4 of the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure, and upon four (4) weeks notice of the sale in a newspaper published in the counties in which the vehicle is titled and registered. The department may bring suit in any court of competent jurisdiction to collect any delinquent fees or taxes, penalties and interest under this section.

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