Registration; Application; Fees; Department Responsibilities; Transfer of Ownership.

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31-18-205. Registration; application; fees; department responsibilities; transfer of ownership.

(a) Owners or operators of mobile machinery required to be registered under W.S. 31-18-203 through 31-18-208 shall apply to a county treasurer in this state annually and pay a registration fee in lieu of property taxes as provided in subsection (e) of this section. For mobile machinery registered after February 1 in any year, the fee shall be computed by multiplying the fee under subsection (e) of this section times the number of full months remaining in the calendar year and dividing by twelve (12). County treasurers shall distribute fees collected under this subsection in the same manner and proportion as property taxes.

(b) County treasurers shall issue stickers and certificates of registration to owners of mobile machinery registered under this section. The sticker shall be displayed on the mobile machinery for which it was issued so as to be visible by a person not operating the mobile machinery.

(c) The department shall prescribe application forms and the form of stickers and certificates of registration issued under this section and provide them without charge to each county treasurer. The department shall furnish stickers and a "mobile machinery register" to each county treasurer in a similar manner as a vehicle register is provided under W.S. 31-2-213. The department may promulgate rules necessary to implement this act.

(d) The registration of mobile machinery expires ten (10) days after its transfer unless the original owner files an application for a transfer of ownership accompanied by the fees based on the amount which would be due on a new registration as of the date of transfer less any credit for the unused portion of the original registration fees for the original registration for the mobile machinery and an additional fee of six dollars ($6.00) with a county treasurer. Upon receipt of a completed application and the required fee, the county treasurer shall issue the new owner a new certificate of registration. The fee collected under this subsection shall be deposited in the county general fund.

(e) The fee for mobile machinery shall be computed by multiplying the statewide average county, school district and state property tax mill levy for the preceding year as computed by the state board of equalization times the applicable assessment factor times the valuation of the mobile machinery. The department of revenue shall establish schedules for valuation of mobile machinery for use by county treasurers.

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