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26-19-202. Definitions.

(a) As used in this article:

(i) "Carrier" means an insurance company, nonprofit service corporation, trust, association or other arrangement subject to the jurisdiction of the insurance department;

(ii) "Group-type basis" means a benefit plan which meets the following conditions:

(A) Coverage is provided through insurance policies or subscriber contracts to classes of employees or members defined in terms of conditions pertaining to employment or membership or any other arrangement subject to the jurisdiction of the insurance department;

(B) The coverage is not available to the general public and can be obtained and maintained only because of the covered person's membership in connection with the particular organization or group;

(C) There are arrangements for bulk payment of premiums or subscription charges to the insurer, nonprofit service corporation, association or trust;

(D) There is sponsorship of the plan by the employer, union, association, trust or organization; and

(E) Individually underwritten and issued guaranteed renewable policies shall not be considered "group-type basis" under this paragraph even though purchased through payroll deduction.

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