24-5-109. Notice of proposed location of road; form of notice; publication; posting; registered mail.
(a) Notice shall be published of the proposed location of such road by posting on the county's official website in the manner provided in W.S. 18-3-516(f) and by publishing once weekly for two (2) successive weeks in the designated official newspaper of the county, which notice shall be in the following form:
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Board of the County Commissioners have decided to locate a road commencing at .... in .... County, Wyoming, running thence (here describe in general terms the points and courses thereof), and terminating at ..... All objections thereto or claims for damages by reason thereof must be filed in writing with the County Clerk of said county, before noon on the .... day of ...., (year), or such road will be established without reference to such objections or claims for damages.
Dated .... County Clerk.............
(b) At the time the initial notices are published, the board of the county commissioners shall cause a copy of the above notice to be mailed by registered mail to all persons owning lands or any persons interested in lands over and across which said road is proposed to be located. The publication and posting of said notice shall be a legal and sufficient notice to all persons owning lands or claiming any interest in lands over which proposed road is to be located.