Migratory Bird Refuge in Seedskadee Area.

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23-1-105. Migratory bird refuge in Seedskadee area.

(a) The state consents to the acquisition by the United States by purchase, gift, devise, or lease of land or land covered by water in the amount of twenty thousand (20,000) acres in the Seedskadee area in Sweetwater county where approved by the commission and the state land board. The acquisition shall be as the United States may deem necessary for the establishment and maintenance of migratory bird refuges in accordance with and for the purposes of the act of congress approved February 18, 1929 entitled "Migratory Bird Conservation Act," 16 U.S.C. §§ 715 through 715s, and amendments thereto, and the act of congress entitled "Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act," 16 U.S.C. §§ 718 through 718k and amendments thereto.

(b) The land or land under water may be used by the United States as refuge for migratory birds. Wyoming reserves full and complete jurisdiction and authority over all such areas not incompatible with the administration, maintenance, protection, and control of the areas by the United States under the terms of the acts of congress stated herein. If the land or land under water is purchased by the United States, the deed shall contain a clause that in the event the land or land under water ceases to be used as a migratory bird refuge, it shall revert to the state.

(c) The owner of any land to be acquired under this section is entitled to reserve all oil, gas, coal or other minerals owned by him in or upon the land together with the right to enter upon the land for exploration, development, and production of oil, gas, coal, or other minerals.

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