Election Declared Null and Void; Special Election.

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22-16-122. Election declared null and void; special election.

(a) If a canvassing board is unable to determine which candidate has been elected or nominated, the canvassing board shall declare any part of the election results to be null and void as to that office and the county clerk shall call a special election to make a decision. For purposes of this section, a canvassing board shall be unable to determine which candidate is nominated or elected if:

(i) A material error in the conduct of the election has occurred; and

(ii) The error involves a number of votes that is equal to or greater than the number of votes separating the winning and losing candidates.

(b) The canvassing board shall determine which precincts will be involved in the special election. If the candidates' office is voted on across county lines, the canvassing board of all counties involved shall meet to determine the criteria for the special election.

(c) If only certain precincts are allowed to vote in the special election, the votes received in the special election shall be added to the unofficial results not declared null and void for that office from the initial primary, general election or other special election.

(d) In a contest involving multiple candidates, all of the candidates' names shall be placed on the ballot in the special election.

(e) Any candidate may appeal the decision of the canvassing board to call or not to call a special election in the same manner as he would contest an election under this act. However, the appeal shall be filed in the district court no later than the first Monday following the meeting of the canvassing board where the decision being appealed was made.

(f) The special election shall be held if necessary no later than the third Tuesday after the primary, general or other special election and may be held by a special mail ballot election as provided in W.S. 22-16-123. The special election shall be conducted by the county clerk as nearly as possible in the manner of a primary or general election, except only those registered in the precinct at the close of polls on the election day of the primary, general or other special election in question shall be permitted to vote in the special election. If the election is held as a special mail ballot election, the election shall be held as provided in W.S. 22-16-123.

(g) Not more than fourteen (14) nor less than five (5) days before the special election the county clerk shall publish at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county a proclamation setting forth the date of the election, the offices to be filled at the election including the terms of the offices, the number of persons required by law to fill the offices, the requirements for filing statements of campaign contributions and expenditures, and any other pertinent information.

(h) A court ordered election may be held by special mail ballot election as determined by the county clerk or by the secretary of state if the election involves more than one (1) county.

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