Refunding and Refunding Bonds; Authority to Refund Bonds; Limitation on Refunding; Exchange or Surrender of Bonds Held by State for Purposes of Refunding.

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21-17-437. Refunding and refunding bonds; authority to refund bonds; limitation on refunding; exchange or surrender of bonds held by state for purposes of refunding.

(a) Any bonds of the board or university payable from any pledged revenues may be refunded by the adoption of a resolution or resolutions by the board and by any trust indenture or other proceedings appertaining thereto, authorizing the issuance of bonds:

(i) To refund, pay, and discharge all or any part of the outstanding bonds of any one (1) or more or all outstanding issues, including any interest thereon in arrears, or about to become due for any period not exceeding three (3) years from the date of the refunding bonds;

(ii) For the purpose of reducing interest costs or effecting other economies;

(iii) For the purpose of modifying or eliminating restrictive contractual limitations appertaining to the issuance of additional bonds, otherwise concerning the outstanding bonds, or to any facilities appertaining thereto; or

(iv) For any combination thereof.

(b) The board may not call bonds now or hereafter outstanding for prior redemption in order to refund the bonds or in order to pay them prior to their stated maturities, unless the right to call the bonds for prior redemption was specifically reserved and stated in the bonds at the time of their issuance, and all conditions with respect to the manner, price and time applicable to the prior redemption as set forth in the proceedings authorizing the outstanding bonds are strictly observed. No holder of an outstanding bond may be compelled to surrender the bond for refunding prior to its stated maturity or optional date of prior redemption expressly reserved therein even though the refunding might result in financial benefit to the board or university.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section or of any other law, this state, acting by and through the governor with the approval of the state treasurer and the attorney general, may agree with the board to exchange any outstanding bonds of the board and held by the state, or any agency, corporation, department or other instrumentality of the state, for refunding bonds of the board, or otherwise to surrender the outstanding bonds to the board for refunding at such price and time and otherwise upon such conditions and other terms and in such manner as may be mutually agreeable at any time prior to their respective maturities or to any date as of which the board has the right and option to call the outstanding bonds for prior redemption as expressly provided in the outstanding bonds and any resolution, trust indenture or other proceedings authorizing their issuance.

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