Homeland Security Program.

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19-13-105. Homeland security program.

(a) The office of homeland security within the governor's office is created. The governor shall appoint a deputy director of the office of homeland security. The director may appoint such assistants as may be necessary. The director and his assistants shall be compensated in an amount to be determined and fixed by the Wyoming human resources division. The deputy director shall serve at the pleasure of the governor and may be removed as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.

(b) The director may employ technical, clerical, stenographic and other personnel and make such expenditures within the appropriations or from other funds made available to him for purposes of homeland security as necessary to carry out this act. He shall be provided with necessary and appropriate office space, furniture, equipment, stationery and printing in the same manner as for personnel of other state agencies.

(c) The director is the administrative head of the Wyoming office of homeland security. In addition to the duties described in W.S. 19-13-104(d) the director:

(i) Shall be responsible to the governor for the implementation of the state program for homeland security for Wyoming;

(ii) Shall assist the local authorities and organizations in the planning and development of local homeland security plans and programs;

(iii) Shall coordinate the activities of all organizations for homeland security within the state, including all state departments;

(iv) Shall maintain liaison with and cooperate with homeland security agencies and programs of other states and of the federal government;

(v) Shall have additional authority, duties and responsibilities authorized by this act as may be prescribed by the governor or the director;

(vi) May prescribe reasonable qualifications for officers and employees of local programs and reasonable regulations for the administration of local programs; and

(vii) Shall assist and coordinate with local, state, tribal and federal law enforcement agencies to employ the integrated public alert and warning system or successor system to notify residents of imminent threat by natural disaster or manmade event or to aid in the safe recovery of missing or endangered persons, which adheres to United States department of justice criteria.

(d) The deputy director shall perform duties as assigned by the director and in the absence of the director he is the administrative head of the Wyoming office of homeland security.

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