Domestication of Foreign Corporations.

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17-19-1701. Domestication of foreign corporations.

Any nonprofit corporation incorporated under the laws of any of the several states of the United States for any purpose, and so long as the corporation complies with W.S. 17-19-301(b), may become a domestic corporation of this state by delivering or causing to be delivered to the secretary of state articles of domestication. Upon filing the articles of domestication, the secretary of state shall issue to the foreign corporation a certificate of domestication which shall continue the corporation as if it had been incorporated under this act. The articles of domestication, upon being filed by the secretary of state, constitute the articles of the domesticated foreign corporation and it shall thereafter have all the powers and privileges and be subjected to all the duties and limitations granted and imposed upon domestic nonprofit corporations under the provisions of this act. A corporation does not become a resident for the purpose of W.S. 16-6-101 through 16-6-118 solely because it becomes a domestic nonprofit corporation under this section.

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