16-6-105. Preference for Wyoming materials and Wyoming agricultural products required in public purchases; exception; cost differential; definition.
(a) A five percent (5%) materials preference for Wyoming materials shall be applied in public purchases, subject to the following:
(i) The preference requirement shall apply to all public entities;
(A) Repealed by Laws 2020, ch. 31, § 2.
(B) Repealed by Laws 2020, ch. 31, § 2.
(C) Repealed by Laws 2020, ch. 31, § 2.
(ii) As used in this section, "materials" means supplies, material, agricultural products, equipment, machinery and provisions to be used in a public work, including the regular maintenance and upkeep of a public work;
(iii) The preference shall be applied in favor of materials that are produced, manufactured or grown in this state, or that are supplied by a resident of the state who is competent and capable to provide the materials within the state of Wyoming;
(iv) Preference shall not be granted for materials of inferior quality to those offered by competitors outside of the state.
(b) As used in this section, "agricultural products" means any horticultural, viticultural, vegetable product, livestock, livestock product, bees or honey, poultry or poultry product, sheep or wool product, timber or timber product.