Ordering Payment for Support and Treatment of Child; How Paid; Enforcement.

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14-3-435. Ordering payment for support and treatment of child; how paid; enforcement.

(a) When legal custody of a child, other than temporary guardianship, is vested by court order in an individual, agency, institution or organization other than the child's parents, the court shall in the same or any subsequent proceeding inquire into the financial condition of the child's parents or any other person who may be legally obligated to support the child. After due notice and hearing the court shall order the parents or any other legally obligated person to pay a reasonable sum for the support and treatment of the child during the time that a dispositional order is in force. The requirements of W.S. 20-2-101 through 20-2-406 apply to this section. The amount of support shall be determined in accordance with the presumptive child support established by W.S. 20-2-304. In any case where the court has deviated from the presumptive child support, the reasons therefor shall be specifically set forth in the order. The amount ordered to be paid shall be paid to the clerk of the juvenile court for transmission to the person, institution or agency having legal custody of the child or to whom compensation is due. The clerk of court is authorized to receive periodic payments payable in the name or for the benefit of the child, including but not limited to social security, veteran's administration benefits or insurance annuities, and apply the payments as the court directs. An order for support under this subsection shall include a statement of the addresses and social security numbers if known, of each obligor, the names and addresses of each obligor's employer and the names and birth dates of each child to whom the order relates. The court shall order each obligor to notify the clerk of court in writing within fifteen (15) days of any change in address or employment. If any person who is legally obligated to support the child does not have full time employment, the court may require that person to seek full time employment and may require community service work in lieu of payment until full time employment is obtained.

(b) An order for the payment of money entered against a parent or other person legally obligated to support a child under the provisions of W.S. 14-3-434, 20-2-101 through 20-2-406 or this section shall be entered separately from the decree of disposition under W.S. 14-3-429 and shall not be treated as a part of the confidential court record under W.S. 14-3-437. The order may be filed in the district court of any county in the state. From the time of filing, the order shall have the same effect as a judgment or decree of the district court in a civil action and may be enforced by the district attorney, or the department of family services in the same manner and with the same powers as in other child support cases under W.S. 20-2-303, 20-2-304, 20-2-307, 20-2-311, 20-2-401 through 20-2-406 and 20-6-101 through 20-6-222, or in any manner provided by law for enforcement of a civil judgment for money.

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