Conduct of Hearings Generally; Exclusion of General Public and Child; Exceptions; Consolidations, Continuances or Deferrals Permitted.

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14-3-424. Conduct of hearings generally; exclusion of general public and child; exceptions; consolidations, continuances or deferrals permitted.

(a) Unless a jury trial is demanded, hearings under this act shall be conducted by the court without a jury in an informal but orderly manner and separate from other proceedings not included under this act. The district attorney shall present evidence in support of the petition and otherwise represent the state. If the allegations in the petition are denied, adjudicatory and disposition hearings shall be recorded by the court reporter or by electronic, mechanical or other appropriate means.

(b) Except in hearings to declare a person in contempt of court, the general public are excluded from hearings under this act. Only the parties, counsel for the parties, jurors, witnesses, and other persons the court finds having a proper interest in the proceedings or in the work of the court shall be admitted. If the court finds it necessary in the best interest of the child, the child may be temporarily excluded from any hearing.

(c) Hearings on two (2) or more petitions may be consolidated for purposes of adjudication when the allegations in the petitions pertain to the same act constituting the alleged neglect. Separate hearings on the petitions may be held thereafter for purposes of disposition.

(d) The court may, on the motion of any party or on its own motion, continue or defer any hearing as the work of the court or justice requires.

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