Notice of Shelter Care to Be Given District Attorney; Written Statement Required; Duty of District Attorney.

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14-3-408. Notice of shelter care to be given district attorney; written statement required; duty of district attorney.

(a) When a child is taken into temporary protective custody without a court order and is placed in shelter care pursuant to W.S. 14-3-405(a) or (b), the person taking temporary protective custody of the child shall notify the district attorney without delay. Also the person shall as soon as possible file a brief written statement with the district attorney setting forth the facts which led to taking the child into custody and the reason why the child was not released.

(b) Upon receiving notice that a child is being held in shelter care, the district attorney shall immediately review the need for shelter care and may order the child released unless he determines shelter care is necessary under the provisions of W.S. 14-3-406(a) or unless ordered by the court.

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