Use of Ultraviolet Tanning Devices by Persons Who Have Not Reached the Age of Majority; Presence Required; Consent Required; Penalty.

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14-3-108. Use of ultraviolet tanning devices by persons who have not reached the age of majority; presence required; consent required; penalty.

(a) No person other than the minor's parent or legal guardian shall knowingly allow a minor who has not reached fifteen (15) years of age to use an ultraviolet tanning device, unless the minor's parent or legal guardian consents in writing to the use and is present the entire time of use. No person shall knowingly allow a minor age fifteen (15) years to the age of majority to use an ultraviolet tanning device, except with written consent obtained from the minor's parent or legal guardian. Any person other than the minor's parent or legal guardian allowing the use of an ultraviolet tanning device by a minor shall demand proof of age prior to allowing the use of an ultraviolet tanning device. A motor vehicle driver's license, a registration card issued under the federal Selective Service Act, an identification card issued to a member of the armed forces, a valid United States passport, a tribal identification card issued by the governing body of the Eastern Shoshone tribe of Wyoming or the Northern Arapahoe tribe of Wyoming or an identification card issued by the department of transportation is prima facie evidence of the age and identity under this section. Proof that the person allowing the use of the ultraviolet tanning device demanded, was shown and acted in reasonable reliance upon the information contained in any one (1) of the above documents as identification and proof of age is a defense to any criminal prosecution under this section.

(b) Any person violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).

(c) As used in this section:

(i) "Consent" means that the parent or legal guardian appears at the first time the minor uses the ultraviolet tanning device and signs a written consent form in the presence of the owner or an employee of the facility. The minor's parent or legal guardian may withdraw this consent at any time. Unless so withdrawn, this consent shall be valid for twelve (12) months from the date the written consent form is signed. The parent or legal guardian must repeat the written consent process annually until the minor reaches the age of majority;

(ii) "Present" means being physically present at the facility at which the tanning device is being used, but does not require the presence in the tanning room or booth being used;

(iii) "Ultraviolet tanning device" means equipment that emits electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the air between two hundred (200) and four hundred (400) nanometers used for tanning of the skin, including, but not limited to, a sunlamp, tanning booth or tanning bed, but does not include equipment that emits ultraviolet radiation used by a health care professional in the treatment of disease or used pursuant to a prescription.

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