General Powers and Duties of Commissioner.

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13-4-401. General powers and duties of commissioner.

After taking possession of the bank the state banking commissioner may collect money due the bank, perform acts necessary to preserve its assets and business and shall proceed to liquidate the bank's affairs except as otherwise provided. The state banking commissioner shall collect all claims belonging to the bank. Upon the order of the district court in the judicial district in which the bank is located the state banking commissioner may sell or compound all doubtful debts and may sell all the real estate and personal property of the bank on the terms the court directs. The state banking commissioner shall execute and deliver to the purchaser of bank property the instruments necessary to evidence the passing of the title. If the real estate is situated outside the county in which the office of the bank was located a certified copy of the order authorizing the sale shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the property is situated. The state banking commissioner may enforce the individual liability of the stockholders.

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