(1) Subject to restrictions in this section, a government entity seeking to control a limited infestation of Eurasian water milfoil may use the pesticide 2,4-D to treat the milfoil infestation, without obtaining a permit under RCW 90.48.445, if the milfoil infestation is either recently documented or remaining after the application of other control measures, and is limited to twenty percent or less of the littoral zone of the lake. Any pesticide application made under this section must be made according to all label requirements for the product and must meet the public notice requirements of subsection (2) of this section.
(2) Before applying 2,4-D, the government entity shall: (a) Provide at least twenty-one days' notice to the department of ecology, the department of fish and wildlife, the department of agriculture, the department of health, and all lake residents; (b) post notices of the intent to apply 2,4-D at all public access points; and (c) place informational buoys around the treatment area.
(3) The department of fish and wildlife may impose timing restrictions on the use of 2,4-D to protect salmon and other fish and wildlife.
(4) The department may prohibit the use of 2,4-D if the department finds the product contains dioxin in excess of the standard allowed by the United States environmental protection agency. Sampling protocols and analysis used by the department under this section must be consistent with those used by the United States environmental protection agency for testing this product.
(5) Government entities using this section to apply 2,4-D may apply for funds from the freshwater aquatic weeds account consistent with the freshwater aquatic weeds management program as provided in RCW 43.21A.660.
(6) Government entities using this section shall consider development of long-term control strategies for eradication and control of the Eurasian water milfoil.
(7) For the purpose of this section, "government entities" includes cities, counties, state agencies, tribes, special purpose districts, and county weed boards.
[ 1999 c 255 § 3.]
Findings—Purpose—Effective date—1999 c 255: See notes following RCW 90.48.447.