(1) By December 1, 2015, and by December 1st of every odd-numbered year thereafter, and in compliance with RCW 43.01.036, the department, in consultation with the United States bureau of reclamation, the Yakama Nation, Yakima river basin local governments, and key basin stakeholders, shall provide a Yakima river basin integrated water resource management plan implementation status report to the legislature and to the governor that includes: A description of measures that have been funded and implemented in the Yakima river basin and their effectiveness in meeting the objectives of chapter 11, Laws of 2013 2nd sp. sess., a project funding list that represents the state's percentage cost share to implement the integrated plan measures for the current biennium and cost estimates for subsequent biennia, a description of progress toward concurrent realization of the integrated plan's fish passage, watershed enhancement, and water supply goals, and an annual summary of all associated costs to develop and implement projects within the framework of the integrated water resource management plan for the Yakima river basin.
(2) The status report required in this section for December 1, 2021, must include a statement of progress in achieving the water supply facility permit and funding milestone, as defined in RCW 90.38.010. If, after a good faith effort to achieve the water supply facility permit and funding milestone, it appears that the milestone cannot or may not be met, the department, in consultation with the United States bureau of reclamation, the Yakama Nation, Yakima river basin local governments, and key basin stakeholders, shall provide a detailed description of the impediments to achieving the milestone, describe the strategy for resolving the identified impediments, and, if necessary, recommend modifications to the milestone.
(3) This section expires December 31, 2045.
[ 2013 2nd sp.s. c 11 § 9.]