(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, whenever the state parole officer or other officer under whose supervision the probationer has been placed shall have reason to believe such probationer is violating the terms of his or her probation, or engaging in criminal practices, or is abandoned to improper associates, or living a vicious life, he or she shall cause the probationer to be brought before the court wherein the probation was granted. For this purpose any peace officer or state parole officer may rearrest any such person without warrant or other process. The court may thereupon in its discretion without notice revoke and terminate such probation. In the event the judgment has been pronounced by the court and the execution thereof suspended, the court may revoke such suspension, whereupon the judgment shall be in full force and effect, and the defendant shall be delivered to the sheriff to be transported to the penitentiary or reformatory as the case may be. If the judgment has not been pronounced, the court shall pronounce judgment after such revocation of probation and the defendant shall be delivered to the sheriff to be transported to the penitentiary or reformatory, in accordance with the sentence imposed.
(2) If a probationer is being supervised by the department of corrections pursuant to RCW 9.95.204, the department shall have authority to issue a warrant for the arrest of an offender who violates a condition of community custody, as provided in RCW 9.94A.716. Any sanctions shall be imposed by the department pursuant to RCW 9.94A.737. The department shall provide a copy of the violation hearing report to the sentencing court in a timely manner. Nothing in this subsection is intended to limit the power of the sentencing court to respond to a probationer's violation of conditions.
[ 2009 c 375 § 11; 1957 c 227 § 5. Prior: 1939 c 125 § 1, part; RRS § 10249-5c.]
Application—2009 c 375: See note following RCW 9.94A.501.
Severability—1939 c 125: See note following RCW 9.95.200.