(1) In order to minimize the trauma to the victim, the court may attach conditions on release of an offender under RCW 9.95.062, convicted of a crime committed before July 1, 1984, regarding the whereabouts of the defendant, contact with the victim, or other conditions.
(2) Offenders released under RCW 9.95.420 are subject to crime-related prohibitions and affirmative conditions established by the court, the department of corrections, or the board pursuant to RCW * 9.94A.712, 9.94A.704, 72.09.335, and 9.95.420 through 9.95.440.
[ 2008 c 231 § 41; 2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 § 326; 1989 c 276 § 4.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 9.94A.712 was recodified as RCW 9.94A.507 pursuant to the direction found in section 56(4), chapter 231, Laws of 2008, effective August 1, 2009.
Intent—Application—Application of repealers—Effective date—2008 c 231: See notes following RCW 9.94A.701.
Severability—2008 c 231: See note following RCW 9.94A.500.
Intent—Severability—Effective dates—2001 2nd sp.s. c 12: See notes following RCW 71.09.250.
Application—2001 2nd sp.s. c 12 §§ 301-363: See note following RCW 9.94A.030.
Severability—1989 c 276: See note following RCW 9.95.062.