(1) It is unlawful for a person to carry onto, or to possess on, licensed child care center premises, child care center-provided transportation, or areas of facilities while being used exclusively by a child care center:
(a) Any firearm;
(b) Any other dangerous weapon as described in RCW 9.41.250;
(c) Any air gun, including any air pistol or air rifle, designed to propel a BB, pellet, or other projectile by the discharge of compressed air, carbon dioxide, or other gas; or
(d)(i) Any portable device manufactured to function as a weapon and which is commonly known as a stun gun, including a projectile stun gun that projects wired probes that are attached to the device that emit an electrical charge designed to administer to a person or an animal an electric shock, charge, or impulse; or
(ii) Any device, object, or instrument that is used or intended to be used as a weapon with the intent to injure a person by an electric shock, charge, or impulse.
(2) A person who violates subsection (1) of this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. If a person is convicted of a violation of subsection (1)(a) of this section, the person shall have his or her concealed pistol license, if any, revoked for a period of three years. Anyone convicted under subsection (1)(a) of this section is prohibited from applying for a concealed pistol license for a period of three years from the date of conviction. The court shall order the person to immediately surrender any concealed pistol license, and within three business days notify the department of licensing in writing of the required revocation of any concealed pistol license held by the person. Upon receipt of the notification by the court, the department of licensing shall determine if the person has a concealed pistol license. If the person does have a concealed pistol license, the department of licensing shall immediately notify the license-issuing authority which, upon receipt of the notification, shall immediately revoke the license.
(3) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to:
(a) Family day care provider homes as defined in RCW 43.216.010;
(b) Any person in possession of a pistol who has been issued a license under RCW 9.41.070, or is exempt from the licensing requirement by RCW 9.41.060, while picking up or dropping off a child at the child care center;
(c) Any person at least eighteen years of age legally in possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon that is secured within an attended vehicle or concealed from view within a locked unattended vehicle while conducting legitimate business at the child care center; or
(d) Any law enforcement officer of a federal, state, or local government agency.
(4) Child care centers must post "GUN-FREE ZONE" signs giving warning of the prohibition of the possession of firearms on center premises.
(5) A child care center that is located on public or private elementary or secondary school premises is subject to the requirements of RCW 9.41.280.
(6) For the purposes of this section, child care center has the same meaning as "child day care center" as defined in RCW 43.216.010.
[ 2020 c 189 § 1.]