(1) A person may pilot any vessel subject to this chapter on waters covered by this chapter only if licensed to pilot such vessels on such waters under this chapter.
(2)(a) A person is eligible to be licensed as a pilot or a pilot trainee if the person:
(i) Is a citizen of the United States;
(ii) Is over the age of twenty-five years and under the age of seventy years;
(iii)(A) Holds at the time of application, as a minimum, a United States government license as master of steam or motor vessels of not more than one thousand six hundred gross register tons (three thousand international tonnage convention tons) upon oceans, near coastal waters, or inland waters; or the then most equivalent federal license as determined by the board; any such license to have been held by the applicant for a period of at least two years before application;
(B) Holds at the time of licensure as a pilot, after successful completion of the board-required training program, a first class United States endorsement without restrictions on the United States government license for the pilotage district in which the pilot applicant desires to be licensed; however, all applicants for a pilot examination scheduled to be given before July 1, 2008, must have the United States pilotage endorsement at the time of application; and
(C) The board may require that applicants and pilots have federal licenses and endorsements as it deems appropriate; and
(iv) Successfully completes a board-specified training program.
(b) In addition to the requirements of (a) of this subsection, a pilot applicant must meet such other qualifications as may be required by the board.
(c) A person applying for a license under this section shall not have been convicted of an offense involving drugs or the personal consumption of alcohol in the twelve months prior to the date of application. This restriction does not apply to license renewals under this section.
(3) The board may establish such other training license and pilot license requirements as it deems appropriate.
(4) Pilot applicants shall be evaluated and may be ranked for entry into a board-specified training program in a manner specified by the board based on their performance on a written examination or examinations established by the board, performance on other evaluation exercises as may be required by the board, and other criteria or qualifications as may be set by the board.
When the board determines that the demand for pilots requires entry of an applicant into the training program it shall issue a training license to that applicant, but under no circumstances may an applicant be issued a training license more than four years after taking the written entry examination. The training license authorizes the trainee to do such actions as are specified in the training program.
After the completion of the training program the board shall evaluate the trainee's performance and knowledge. The board, as it deems appropriate, may then issue a pilot license, delay the issuance of the pilot license, deny the issuance of the pilot license, or require further training and evaluation.
(5) The board may (a) appoint a special independent committee or (b) contract with private or governmental entities knowledgeable and experienced in the development, administration, and grading of licensing examinations or simulator evaluations for marine pilots, or (c) do both. Active, licensed pilots designated by the board may participate in the development, administration, and grading of examinations and other evaluation exercises. If the board does appoint a special examination or evaluation development committee, it is authorized to pay the members of the committee the same compensation and travel expenses as received by members of the board. Any person who willfully gives advance knowledge of information contained on a pilot examination or other evaluation exercise is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(6) This subsection applies to the review of a pilot applicant's written examinations and evaluation exercises to qualify to be placed on a waiting list to become a pilot trainee. Failure to comply with the process set forth in this subsection renders the results of the pilot applicant's written examinations and evaluation exercises final. A pilot applicant may seek board review, administrative review, and judicial review of the results of the written examinations and evaluation exercises in the following manner:
(a) A pilot applicant who seeks a review of the results of his or her written examinations or evaluation exercises must request from the board-appointed or board-designated examination committee an administrative review of the results of his or her written examinations or evaluation exercises as set forth by board rule.
(b) The determination of the examination committee's review of a pilot applicant's examination results becomes final after thirty days from the date of service of written notification of the committee's determination unless a full adjudicative hearing before an administrative law judge has been requested by the pilot applicant before the thirty-day period has expired, as set forth by board rule.
(c) When a full adjudicative hearing has been requested by the pilot applicant, the board shall request the appointment of an administrative law judge under chapter 34.12 RCW who has sufficient experience and familiarity with pilotage matters to be able to conduct a fair and impartial hearing. The hearing shall be governed by chapter 34.05 RCW. The administrative law judge shall issue an initial order.
(d) The initial order of the administrative law judge is final unless within thirty days of the date of service of the initial order the board or pilot applicant requests review of the initial order under chapter 34.05 RCW.
(e) The board may appoint a person to review the initial order and to prepare and enter a final order as governed by chapter 34.05 RCW and as set forth by board rule. The person appointed by the board under this subsection (6)(e) is called the board reviewing officer.
(7) Pilots are licensed under this section for a term of five years from and after the date of the issuance of their respective state licenses. Licenses must thereafter be renewed as a matter of course, unless the board withholds the license for good cause. Each pilot shall pay to the state treasurer an annual license fee in an amount set by the board by rule. Pursuant to RCW 43.135.055, the fees established under this subsection may be increased through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. The fees must be deposited in the pilotage account. The board may assess partially active or inactive pilots a reduced fee.
(8) All pilots and pilot trainees are subject to an annual physical examination by a physician chosen by the board. The physician shall examine the pilot's or pilot trainee's heart, blood pressure, circulatory system, lungs and respiratory system, eyesight, hearing, and such other items as may be prescribed by the board. After consultation with a physician and the United States coast guard, the board shall establish minimum health standards to ensure that pilots and pilot trainees licensed by the state are able to perform their duties. Within ninety days of the date of each annual physical examination, and after review of the physician's report, the board shall make a determination of whether the pilot or pilot trainee is fully able to carry out the duties of a pilot or pilot trainee under this chapter. The board may in its discretion check with the appropriate authority for any convictions of or information regarding offenses by a licensed pilot or pilot trainee involving drugs or the personal consumption of alcohol in the prior twelve months.
(9) The board may require vessel simulator training for a pilot trainee and shall require vessel simulator training for a licensed pilot subject to RCW 88.16.105. The board shall also require vessel simulator training in the first year of active duty for a new pilot and at least once every five years for all active pilots.
(10) The board shall prescribe, pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW, such reporting requirements and review procedures as may be necessary to assure the accuracy and validity of license and service claims. Willful misrepresentation of such required information by a pilot applicant shall result in disqualification of the pilot applicant.
[ 2009 c 470 § 708; 2008 c 128 § 4; 2007 c 518 § 706; 2005 c 26 § 2; 1999 sp.s. c 1 § 607; 1995 c 175 § 1; 1991 c 200 § 1002. Prior: 1990 c 116 § 27; 1990 c 112 § 1; 1987 c 264 § 2; 1986 c 122 § 1; 1981 c 303 § 1; 1979 ex.s. c 207 § 3; 1977 ex.s. c 337 § 7; 1967 c 15 § 5; 1935 c 18 § 8; RRS § 9871-8; prior: 1907 c 147 § 1; 1888 p 176 § 8.]
Effective date—2009 c 470: See note following RCW 46.68.170.
Severability—Effective date—2007 c 518: See notes following RCW 46.68.170.
Effective date—2005 c 26: See note following RCW 88.16.035.
Effective date—1999 sp.s. c 1: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [May 27, 1999]." [ 1999 sp.s. c 1 § 620.]
Effective date—1995 c 175: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1995." [ 1995 c 175 § 2.]
Effective dates—1991 c 200: See RCW 90.56.901.
Findings—Severability—1990 c 116: See notes following RCW 90.56.210.
Severability—1977 ex.s. c 337: See note following RCW 88.16.005.