84.56.023 Credit card in lieu of cash.
[1989 c 378 § 38.]
Repealed by 1994 c 301 § 57.
84.56.030 Allocation of interest, costs.
[1949 c 21 § 1, part; 1935 c 30 § 2, part; 1931 c 113 § 1, part; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 83, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 11244, part. Prior: 1917 c 141 § 1; 1899 c 141 § 6, part; 1897 c 71 § 68, part; 1895 c 170 § 14, part; 1893 c 124 § 69, part; 1890 p 561 § 84, part; Code 1881 § 2892, part.]
Now codified in RCW 84.56.020.
84.56.040 Rebate period may be extended by tax commission.
[1939 c 206 § 40; 1937 c 56 § 1; RRS § 11244-1d.]
Repealed by 1953 c 103 § 1; and repealed by 1961 c 15 § 84.98.040.
84.56.080 Distraint of stationary property.
[1949 c 21 § 2, part; 1935 c 30 § 4, part; 1933 c 33 § 1, part; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 86, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 11247, part. Prior: 1915 c 137 § 1, part; 1911 c 24 § 2, part; 1899 c 141 § 7, part; 1897 c 71 § 71, part; 1895 c 176 § 15, part; 1893 c 124 § 72, part; 1890 p 561 § 87, part; Code 1881 § 2903, part.]
Now codified in RCW 84.56.070.
84.56.100 Jeopardy distraint after levy.
[1949 c 21 § 2, part; 1935 c 30 § 4, part; 1933 c 33 § 1, part; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 86, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 11247, part. Prior: 1915 c 137 § 1, part; 1911 c 24 § 2, part; 1899 c 141 § 7, part; 1897 c 71 § 71, part; 1895 c 176 § 15, part; 1893 c 124 § 72, part; 1890 p 561 § 87, part; Code 1881 § 2903, part.]
Now codified in RCW 84.56.070.
84.56.110 Jeopardy distraint before levy.
[1949 c 21 § 3, part; 1939 c 206 § 43, part; 1937 c 20 § 1, part; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 89, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 11250, part. Prior: 1907 c 29 § 1, part.]
Now codified in RCW 84.56.090.
84.56.130 Disposition of advance tax collections.
[1949 c 21 § 3, part; 1939 c 206 § 43, part; 1937 c 20 § 1, part; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 89, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 11250, part. Prior: 1907 c 29 § 1, part.]
Now codified in RCW 84.56.090.
84.56.140 Treasurer may distrain removed property.
[1949 c 21 § 3, part; 1939 c 206 § 43, part; 1937 c 20 § 1, part; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 89, part; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 11250, part. Prior: 1907 c 29 § 1, part.]
Now codified in RCW 84.56.090.
84.56.180 Transient trader, taxation of merchandise of.
[1973 1st ex.s. c 195 § 110; 1969 ex.s. c 124 § 5; 1961 c 15 § 84.56.180. Prior: 1939 c 206 § 46; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 105; RRS § 11266; prior: 1899 c 141 § 12; 1897 c 71 § 84.]
Repealed by 1994 c 301 § 57.
84.56.190 Penalty for failure to notify assessor or pay tax.
[1961 c 15 § 84.56.190. Prior: 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 106; RRS § 11267; prior: 1897 c 71 § 85.]
Repealed by 2000 c 103 § 31.
84.56.350 Payment on undivided interest.
[1939 c 206 § 44, part; 1933 c 171 § 2, part; 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 103, part; RRS § 11264, part. Prior: 1899 c 141 § 11, part; 1897 c 71 § 82, part; 1893 c 124 § 87, part; 1890 p 583 § 134, part.]
Now codified in RCW 84.56.340.
84.56.390 Treasurer's record of false or erroneous listing to board of equalization.
[1965 c 93 § 1; 1961 c 15 § 84.56.390. Prior: 1955 c 112 § 2; prior: 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 107, part; RRS § 11268, part; prior: 1915 c 122 § 2, part; 1897 c 71 § 86, part; 1895 c 176 § 22, part; 1893 c 124 § 89, part.]
Repealed by 1988 c 222 § 34.
84.56.400 Treasurer's record of manifest errors in listing — June meeting of board of equalization — Cancellation or correction of assessments — Consideration by board.
[1975 1st ex.s. c 160 § 1; 1970 ex.s. c 55 § 13; 1965 c 93 § 2; 1961 c 15 § 84.56.400. Prior: 1955 c 112 § 3; prior: 1925 ex.s. c 130 § 107, part; RRS § 11268, part; prior: 1915 c 122 § 2, part; 1897 c 71 § 86, part; 1895 c 176 § 22, part; 1893 c 124 § 89, part.]
Repealed by 1988 c 222 § 34. Later enactment, see RCW 84.48.065.
84.56.410 Civil penalty for nonperformance of duty.
[1925 ex.s. c 130 § 109; RRS § 11270. Prior: 1897 c 71 § 89; 1893 c 124 § 92.]
Now codified as RCW 84.09.040.
84.56.420 Fees and costs allowed in civil actions against county officers.
[1925 ex.s. c 130 § 110; RRS § 11271. Prior: 1897 c 71 § 90; 1893 c 124 § 93.]
Now codified as RCW 84.09.050.
84.56.450 Year 2000 failure — No interest or penalties — Payment of tax.
[1999 c 369 § 6.]
Repealed by 2005 c 443 § 7, effective July 1, 2006.