(1) The proceeds collected pursuant to the exercise of the local option authority of RCW 82.80.010 and 82.80.030 (hereafter called "local option transportation revenues") shall be used for transportation purposes only, including but not limited to the following: The operation and preservation of roads, streets, and other transportation improvements; new construction, reconstruction, and expansion of city streets, county roads, and state highways and other transportation improvements; development and implementation of public transportation and high capacity transit improvements and programs; and planning, design, and acquisition of right-of-way and sites for such transportation purposes. The proceeds collected from excise taxes on the sale, distribution, or use of motor vehicle fuel and special fuel under RCW 82.80.010 shall be used exclusively for "highway purposes" as that term is construed in Article II, section 40 of the state Constitution.
(2) The local option transportation revenues shall be expended for transportation uses consistent with the adopted transportation and land use plans of the jurisdiction expending the funds and consistent with any applicable and adopted regional transportation plan for metropolitan planning areas.
(3) Each local government with a population greater than eight thousand that levies or expends local option transportation funds, is also required to develop and adopt a specific transportation program that contains the following elements:
(a) The program shall identify the geographic boundaries of the entire area or areas within which local option transportation revenues will be levied and expended.
(b) The program shall be based on an adopted transportation plan for the geographic areas covered and shall identify the proposed operation and construction of transportation improvements and services in the designated plan area intended to be funded in whole or in part by local option transportation revenues and shall identify the annual costs applicable to the program.
(c) The program shall indicate how the local transportation plan is coordinated with applicable transportation plans for the region and for adjacent jurisdictions.
(d) The program shall include at least a six-year funding plan, updated annually, identifying the specific public and private sources and amounts of revenue necessary to fund the program. The program shall include a proposed schedule for construction of projects and expenditure of revenues. The funding plan shall consider the additional local tax revenue estimated to be generated by new development within the plan area if all or a portion of the additional revenue is proposed to be earmarked as future appropriations for transportation improvements in the program.
(4) Local governments with a population greater than eight thousand exercising the authority for local option transportation funds shall periodically review and update their transportation program to ensure that it is consistent with applicable local and regional transportation and land use plans and within the means of estimated public and private revenue available.
(5) In the case of expenditure for new or expanded transportation facilities, improvements, and services, priorities in the use of local option transportation revenues shall be identified in the transportation program and expenditures shall be made based upon the following criteria, which are stated in descending order of weight to be attributed:
(a) First, the project serves a multijurisdictional function;
(b) Second, it is necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion;
(c) Third, it has the greatest person-carrying capacity;
(d) Fourth, it is partially funded by other government funds, such as from the state transportation improvement board, or by private sector contributions, such as those from the local transportation act, chapter 39.92 RCW; and
(e) Fifth, it meets such other criteria as the local government determines is appropriate.
(6) It is the intent of the legislature that as a condition of levying, receiving, and expending local option transportation revenues, no local government agency use the revenues to replace, divert, or loan any revenues currently being used for transportation purposes to nontransportation purposes.
(7) Local governments are encouraged to enter into interlocal agreements to jointly develop and adopt with other local governments the transportation programs required by this section for the purpose of accomplishing regional transportation planning and development.
(8) Local governments may use all or a part of the local option transportation revenues for the amortization of local government general obligation and revenue bonds issued for transportation purposes consistent with the requirements of this section.
(9) Subsections (1) through (8) of this section do not apply to a regional transportation investment district imposing a tax or fee under the local option authority of this chapter. Proceeds collected under the exercise of local option authority under this chapter by a district must be used in accordance with chapter 36.120 RCW.
[ 2017 3rd sp.s. c 25 § 43; 2005 c 319 § 139; 2002 c 56 § 413; 1991 c 141 § 4. Prior: 1990 c 42 § 212.]
Findings—Intent—Part headings—Effective dates—2005 c 319: See notes following RCW 43.17.020.