(1)(a)(i) A person who is taxable under this chapter is allowed a credit against the tax imposed in this chapter according to the gross vehicle weight rating of the vehicle and the incremental cost of the vehicle purchased above the purchase price of a comparable conventionally fueled vehicle. The credit is limited, as set forth in the table below, to the lesser of the incremental cost amount or the maximum credit amount per vehicle purchased, and subject to a maximum annual credit amount per vehicle class.
Gross Vehicle Weight | Incremental Cost Amount | Maximum Credit Amount Per Vehicle | Maximum Annual Credit Per Vehicle Class |
Up to 14,000 pounds | 75% of incremental cost | $25,000 | $2,000,000 |
14,001 to 26,500 pounds | 75% of incremental cost | $50,000 | $2,000,000 |
Above 26,500 pounds | 75% of incremental cost | $100,000 | $2,000,000 |
(ii) A person who is taxable under this chapter is allowed a credit against the tax imposed in this chapter for up to fifty percent of the cost to purchase alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure, tangible personal property that will become a component of alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure, and installation and construction of alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure, but excluding the cost of property acquisition and site improvement related to the installation of alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure. The credit is subject to a maximum annual credit amount of two million dollars.
(b) On September 1st of each year, any unused credits from any category identified in (a) of this subsection must be made available to applicants applying for credits under any other category identified in (a) of this subsection, subject to the maximum annual and total credit amounts identified in this subsection. The credit established in this section and RCW 82.04.4496 is subject to a maximum annual credit amount of six million dollars, and a maximum total credit amount of thirty-two and one-half million dollars beginning July 15, 2015.
(c) The credit provided in (a)(i) of this subsection is available for the lease of a vehicle. The credit amount for a leased vehicle is equal to the credit in (a)(i) of this subsection multiplied by the lease reduction factor. The person claiming the credit for a leased vehicle must be the lessee as identified in the lease contract.
(2) A person who is taxable under this chapter is allowed, subject to the maximum annual credit per category in subsection (1)(a) of this section, a credit against the tax imposed in this chapter for the lesser of twenty-five thousand dollars or fifty percent of the costs of converting a commercial vehicle to be principally powered by a clean alternative fuel with a United States environmental protection agency certified conversion.
(3) The total credits under subsection (1)(a)(i) of this section may not exceed the lesser of two hundred fifty thousand dollars or twenty-five vehicles per person per calendar year.
(4) A person may not receive credit under this section for amounts claimed as credits under chapter 82.04 RCW.
(5) Credits are available on a first-in-time basis.
(a) The department must disallow any credits, or portion thereof, that would cause the total amount of credits claimed under this section, and RCW 82.04.4496, during any calendar year to exceed six million dollars. The department must provide notification on its website monthly on the amount of credits that have been applied for, the amount issued, and the amount remaining before the statewide annual limit is reached. In addition, the department must provide written notice to any person who has applied to claim tax credits in excess of the limitation in this subsection.
(b) The department must disallow any credits, or portion thereof, that would cause the total amount of credits claimed beginning July 15, 2015, under this section and RCW 82.04.4496 to exceed thirty-two and one-half million dollars. The department must provide notification on its website monthly on the total amount of credits that have been applied for, the amount issued, and the amount remaining before the statewide limit is reached. In addition, the department must provide written notice to any person who has applied to claim tax credits in excess of the limitation in this subsection.
(6) For the purposes of the limits provided in this section, a credit must be counted against such limits for the calendar year in which the credit is earned.
(7) To claim a credit under this section a person must electronically file with the department all returns, forms, and any other information required by the department, in an electronic format as provided or approved by the department. No refunds may be granted for credits under this section.
(8) To claim a credit under this section, the person applying must:
(a) Complete an application for the credit which must include:
(i) The name, business address, and tax identification number of the applicant;
(ii) A quote or unexecuted copy of the purchase requisition or order for the vehicle, infrastructure, infrastructure components, infrastructure construction, or infrastructure installation;
(iii) The type of alternative fuel to be used by the vehicle or supported by the infrastructure;
(iv) The incremental cost of the alternative fuel system for vehicle credits;
(v) The anticipated delivery date of the vehicle, the anticipated delivery date of the infrastructure or infrastructure components, the anticipated construction completion date of the infrastructure, or the anticipated installation completion date of the infrastructure;
(vi) The estimated annual fuel use of the vehicle in the anticipated duties or the estimated annual fuel to be supplied by the infrastructure;
(vii) The gross weight of each vehicle for vehicle credits;
(viii) For leased vehicles, a copy of the lease contract that includes the gross capitalized cost, residual value, and name of the lessee; and
(ix) Any other information deemed necessary by the department to support administration or reporting of the program.
(b) Within fifteen days of notice of credit availability from the department, provide notice of intent to claim the credit including:
(i) A copy of the order for the vehicle or infrastructure-related item, including the total cost for the vehicle or infrastructure-related item;
(ii) The anticipated delivery date of the vehicle or infrastructure or infrastructure component, which must be within one year of acceptance of the credit;
(iii) The anticipated construction or installation completion date of the infrastructure, which must be within two years of acceptance of the credit; and
(iv) Any other information deemed necessary by the department to support administration or reporting of the program.
(c) Provide final documentation within thirty days of receipt of the vehicle or infrastructure or infrastructure components or of completion of construction or installation of the infrastructure, including:
(i) A copy of the final invoice for the vehicle or infrastructure-related items;
(ii) A copy of the factory build sheet or equivalent documentation;
(iii) The vehicle identification number of each vehicle;
(iv) The incremental cost of the alternative fuel system for vehicle credits;
(v) Attestations signed by both the seller and purchaser of the vehicle attesting that the incremental cost of the alternative fuel system includes only the costs necessary for the vehicle to run on alternative fuel and no other vehicle options, equipment, or costs; and
(vi) Any other information deemed necessary by the department to support administration or reporting of the program.
(9) A person applying for credit under subsection (8) of this section may apply for multiple vehicles on the same application, but the application must include the required information for each vehicle included in the application. A separate application is required for infrastructure-related items, but all infrastructure-related items at a single location may be included in a single application provided the required information for each infrastructure-related item is included in the application.
(10) To administer the credits, the department must, at a minimum:
(a) Provide notification on its website monthly of the amount of credits that have been applied for, claimed, and the amount remaining before the statewide annual limit and total limit are reached;
(b) Within fifteen days of receipt of the application, notify persons applying of the availability of tax credits in the year in which the vehicles or infrastructure applied for are anticipated to be delivered, constructed, or installed;
(c) Within fifteen days of receipt of the notice of intent to claim the tax credit, notify the applicant of the approval, denial, or missing information in their notice; and
(d) Within fifteen days of receipt of final documentation, review the documentation and notify the person applying of the acceptance of their final documentation.
(11) If a person fails to supply the information as required in subsection (8) of this section, the department must deny the application.
(12)(a) Taxpayers are only eligible for a credit under this section based on:
(i) Sales or leases of new commercial vehicles and qualifying used commercial vehicles with propulsion units that are principally powered by a clean alternative fuel;
(ii) Costs to modify a commercial vehicle, including sales of tangible personal property incorporated into the vehicle and labor or service expenses incurred in modifying the vehicle, to be principally powered by a clean alternative fuel; or
(iii) Sales of alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure or infrastructure components, or the cost of construction or installation of alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure.
(b) A credit is earned when the purchaser or the lessee takes receipt of the qualifying commercial vehicle or infrastructure-related item, the vehicle conversion is complete, or the construction or installation of the infrastructure is complete.
(13) The definitions in RCW 82.04.4496 apply to this section.
(14) A credit earned during one calendar year may be carried over to be credited against taxes incurred in the subsequent calendar year, but may not be carried over a second year.
(15)(a) Beginning November 25, 2015, and on the 25th of February, May, August, and November of each year thereafter, the department must notify the state treasurer of the amount of credits taken under this section as reported on returns filed with the department during the preceding calendar quarter ending on the last day of December, March, June, and September, respectively.
(b) On the last day of March, June, September, and December of each year, the state treasurer, based upon information provided by the department, must transfer a sum equal to the dollar amount of the credit provided under this section from the multimodal transportation account to the general fund.
(16) Credits may be earned under this section from January 1, 2016, until the maximum total credit amount in subsection (1)(b) of this section is reached, except for credits for leased vehicles, which may be earned from July 1, 2016, until the maximum total credit amount in subsection (1)(b) of this section is reached.
[ 2019 c 287 § 13; 2017 c 116 § 2; 2016 c 29 § 2; 2015 3rd sp.s. c 44 § 412.]
Effective date—2019 c 287 §§ 8 and 13: See note following RCW 82.04.4496.
Tax preference performance statement—2019 c 287 §§ 8-14: See note following RCW 82.04.4496.
Findings—Intent—2019 c 287: See note following RCW 28B.30.903.
Effective date—2017 c 116: See note following RCW 82.04.4496.
Effective date—2015 3rd sp.s. c 44: See note following RCW 46.68.395.
Short title—Findings—Tax preference performance statement—2015 3rd sp.s. c 44 §§ 411 and 412: See note following RCW 82.04.4496.