(1) A facility subject to closure under either RCW 80.80.040(3)(c) or a memorandum of agreement under RCW 80.80.100, or both, must provide the department of ecology with a plan for the closure and postclosure of the facility at least twenty-four months prior to facility closure or twenty-four months prior to start of decommissioning work, whichever is earlier. This plan must be consistent with the rules established by the energy facility site evaluation council for site restoration and preservation applicable to facilities subject to a site certification agreement under chapter 80.50 RCW and include but not be limited to:
(a) A detailed estimate of the cost to implement the plan based on the cost of hiring a third party to conduct all activities;
(b) Demonstrating financial assurance to fund the closure and postclosure of the facility and providing methods by which this assurance may be demonstrated;
(c) Methods for estimating closure costs, including full site reclamation under all applicable federal and state clean-up standards; and
(d) A decommissioning and site restoration plan that addresses restoring physical topography, cleanup of all hazardous substances on the site, potential future uses of the site following restoration, and coordination with local and community plans for economic development in the vicinity of the site.
(2) All cost estimates in the plan must be in current dollars and may not include a net present value adjustment or offsets for salvage value of wastes or other property.
(3) Adoption of the plan and significant revisions to the plan must be approved by the department of ecology.
[ 2011 c 180 § 201.]
Findings—Purpose—2011 c 180: See note following RCW 80.80.010.