Any public service company that undertakes to issue stocks, stock certificates, other evidence of interest or ownership, bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness shall file with the commission before such issuance:
(1) A description of the purposes for which the issuance is made, including a certification by an officer authorized to do so that the proceeds from any such financing is for one or more of the purposes allowed by this chapter;
(2) A description of the proposed issuance including the terms of financing; and
(3) A statement as to why the transaction is in the public interest.
(4) Any public service company undertaking an issuance and making a filing in conformance with this section may at any time of such filing request the commission to enter a written order that such company has complied with the requirements of this section. The commission shall enter such written order after such company has provided all information and statements required by subsections (1), (2), and (3) of this section.
[ 1994 c 251 § 1; 1987 c 106 § 1; 1961 c 14 § 80.08.040. Prior: 1933 c 151 § 4; RRS § 10439-4.]