79.40.010 Trespasser guilty of larceny.
[1927 c 255 § 197; RRS § 7797-197.]
Now codified as RCW 79.01.748.
79.40.020 Offense of lessee or contract holder.
[1927 c 255 § 198; RRS § 7797-198.]
Now codified as RCW 79.01.752.
79.40.030 Removal of timber — Treble damages.
[1927 c 255 § 199; RRS § 7797-199.]
Now codified as RCW 79.01.756.
79.40.040 Duty of commissioner.
[1927 c 255 § 200; RRS § 7797-200.]
Now codified as RCW 79.01.760.
79.40.050 Trespass by cattle, horses, sheep, or goats.
[1959 c 257 § 47; 1937 c 165 § 1; RRS § 7797-200a.]
Repealed by 1977 c 20 § 2.
79.40.060 Trespass by cattle, horses, sheep, or goats — Penalty.
[1937 c 165 § 2; RRS § 7797-200b.]
Repealed by 1977 c 20 § 2.
79.40.070 Cutting, breaking, removing Christmas trees — Compensation.
[2003 c 334 § 504; 1988 c 128 § 66; 1955 c 225 § 1; 1937 c 87 § 1; RRS § 8074-1.]
Recodified as RCW 79.02.340 pursuant to 2003 c 334 § 554.
79.40.080 Construction — 1937 c 87.
[2003 c 334 § 505; 1937 c 87 § 2; RRS § 8074-2.]
Recodified as RCW 79.02.350 pursuant to 2003 c 334 § 554.
79.40.090 Firewood on state lands.
Cross-reference section, decodified September 2003.