All state lands hereafter granted, sold or leased shall be subject to the right of the state, or any grantee or lessee or successor in interest thereof hereafter acquiring other state lands, or acquiring the timber, stone, mineral or other natural products thereon, or the manufactured products thereof to acquire the right-of-way over such lands so granted, for logging and/or lumbering railroads, private railroads, skid roads, flumes, canals, watercourses, or other easements for the purpose of and to be used in the transporting and moving of such timber, stone, mineral or other natural products thereon, and the manufactured products thereof from such state land, and all necessary machinery, supplies or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining or quarrying any or all of such products over and across the lands so granted or leased, upon the state or its grantee or successor in interest thereof, paying to the owner of the lands so granted, sold, or leased reasonable compensation therefor. In case the parties interested cannot agree upon the damages incurred, the same shall be ascertained and assessed in the same manner as damages are ascertained and assessed against a railroad seeking to condemn private property.
[ 1927 c 312 § 1; RRS § 8107-1. Prior: 1911 c 109 § 1. Formerly RCW 79.36.230.]
Severability—1927 c 312: "If any section, subdivision, sentence or clause in this act shall be held invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the act as a whole, or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional." [ 1927 c 312 § 8.] This applies to RCW 79.36.230 through 79.36.290.
Railroads, eminent domain: RCW 81.36.010 and 81.53.180.
Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.370.