Mineral trespass—Penalty.

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(1) A person commits the crime of mineral trespass if the person intentionally and without the permission of the claim holder or person conducting the mining operation:

(a) Interferes with a lawful mining operation or stops, or causes to be stopped, a lawful mining operation;

(b) Enters a mining claim posted as required in chapter 78.08 RCW and disturbs, removes, or attempts to remove any mineral from the claim site;

(c) Tampers with or disturbs a flume, rocker box, bedrock sluice, sluice box, dredge, quartz mill, or other mining equipment at a posted mining claim; or

(d) Defaces a location stake, side post, corner post, landmark, monument, or posted written notice within a posted mining claim.

(2) Mineral trespass is a class C felony.

[ 2003 c 335 § 2.]

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