Definitions applicable to RCW 78.44.330.

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The definitions in this section apply throughout RCW 78.44.330 unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

(1) "Bedrock sluice" means a wood or metal flume or trough that is permanently attached to the bedrock of the creek and is equipped with transverse riffles across the bottom of the unit and used to recover heavy mineral sands.

(2) "Dredge" means a subsurface hose from one and one-half to ten inches in diameter that is powered by an engine and is used to draw up auriferous material that is then separated in the sluice portion of the unit.

(3) "Flume" means a trough used to convey water.

(4) "Mining claim" means a portion of the public lands claimed for the valuable minerals occurring in those lands and for which the mineral rights are obtained under federal law or a right that is recognized by the United States bureau of land management and given an identification number.

(5) "Quartz mill" means a facility for processing ores or gravel.

(6) "Rocker box" means a unit constructed of a short trough attached to curved supports that allow the unit to be rocked from side to side.

(7) "Sluice box" means a portable unit constructed of a wood or metal flume or trough equipped with transverse riffles across the bottom of the unit and that is used to recover heavy mineral sands.

[ 2003 c 335 § 1.]

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