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The purposes of this chapter are to:

(1) Provide that the usefulness, productivity, and scenic values of all lands and waters involved in surface mining within the state will receive the greatest practical degree of protection and reclamation at the earliest opportunity following completion of surface mining;

(2) Provide for the greatest practical degree of statewide consistency in the regulation of surface mines;

(3) Apportion regulatory authority between state and local governments in order to minimize redundant regulation of mining; and

(4) Ensure that reclamation is consistent with local land use plans.

[ 2000 c 11 § 21; 1993 c 518 § 3; 1970 ex.s. c 64 § 3.]


Captions—Severability—Effective date—1993 c 518: See notes following RCW 78.44.010.

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