(1) A specialized forest products permit form may not be validated or accepted for verification by a sheriff unless the permit satisfies the requirements of this section.
(2) A properly completed permit form shall include:
(a) The date of its execution and expiration;
(b) The name, address, up to three telephone numbers, and signature of the permittee and permittor;
(c) The type of specialized forest products to be harvested or transported;
(d) The approximate amount or volume of specialized forest products to be harvested or transported;
(e)(i) For validated permits only, the parcel number or the legal description of the property from which the specialized forest products are to be harvested or transported;
(ii) For verifiable permits only:
(A) The parcel number for where the harvesting is to occur, unless the owner of the parcel actually lives at the parcel and the parcel's boundaries comprise an area one acre in size or smaller;
(B) The address of the property where the harvesting is to occur if the owner of the property lives at the parcel and the parcel's boundaries comprise an area less than one acre;
(C) The name of the county where the harvesting is to occur; and
(D) An accurate report or statement from the county assessor of the county where the specialized forest products are to be harvested that provides clear evidence that the permittor named on the verifiable permit is the owner of the parcel named on the permit;
(f) A description by local landmarks of where the harvesting is to occur, or from where the specialized forest products are to be transported;
(g) For specialty wood, a copy of a map or aerial photograph, with defined permitted boundaries, included as an attachment to the permit;
(h)(i) For validated permits, a copy of a valid picture identification of the permittee on the copy of the permit form that is presented to the sheriff; and
(ii) For verifiable permits, the unique number assigned to a valid state identification document for both the permittee and permittor; and
(i) The details of any other condition or limitation which the permittor may specify.
(3) For permits intended to satisfy the requirements of RCW 76.48.031 relating to the sale of huckleberries, the permit:
(a) Must, in addition to the requirements of subsection (2) of this section, also contain information relating to where the huckleberries were, or plan to be, harvested, and the approximate amount of huckleberries that are going to be offered for sale; and
(b) Must include a statement designed to inform the possessor that permission from the landowner is still required prior to the harvesting of huckleberries.
[ 2009 c 245 § 9; 2008 c 191 § 2; 2005 c 401 § 2; 1995 c 366 § 4; 1979 ex.s. c 94 § 4; 1977 ex.s. c 147 § 4; 1967 ex.s. c 47 § 6. Formerly RCW 76.48.050.]
Finding—Intent—2009 c 245: See note following RCW 76.48.011.
Severability—1995 c 366: See note following RCW 76.48.021.