Special air pollution studies—Contracts for conduct of.

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In addition to paying its share of the supplemental income of the activated authority, each component city, town, or county shall have the power to contract with such authority and expend funds for the conduct of special studies, investigations, plans, research, advice, or consultation relating to air pollution and its causes, effects, prevention, abatement, and control as such may affect any area within the boundaries of the component city, town, or county, and which could not be performed by the authority with funds otherwise available to it. Any component city, town or county which contracts for the conduct of such special air pollution studies, investigations, plans, research, advice or consultation with any entity other than the activated authority shall require that such an entity consult with the activated authority.

[ 1975 1st ex.s. c 106 § 2. Formerly RCW 70.94.097.]

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