(1) For the purpose of determining compliance with this chapter, the director may access, for inspection purposes, the permitted area of a domestic residence housing a cottage food operation permitted by the director under this chapter. This authority includes the authority to inspect any records required to be kept under the provisions of this chapter.
(2) All inspections must be made at reasonable times and, when possible, during regular business hours.
(3) Should the director be denied access to the permitted area of a domestic residence housing a cottage food operation where access was sought for the purposes of enforcing or administering this chapter, the director may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a search warrant authorizing access to the permitted area of a domestic residence housing a permitted cottage food operation, upon which the court may issue a search warrant for the purposes requested.
(4) Any access under this section must be limited to the permitted area and further limited to the purpose of enforcing or administering this chapter.
[ 2011 c 281 § 6.]