(1) The annual gross sales of cottage food products may not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. The determination of the maximum annual gross sales must be computed on the basis of the amount of gross sales within or at a particular domestic residence and may not be computed on a per person basis within or at an individual domestic residence.
(2) If gross sales exceed the maximum allowable annual gross sales amount, the cottage food operation must either obtain a food processing plant license under chapter 69.07 RCW or cease operations.
(3) A cottage food operation exceeding the maximum allowable annual gross sales amount is not entitled to a full or partial refund of any fees paid under RCW 69.22.030 or 69.22.040.
(4) The director may request in writing documentation to verify the annual gross sales figure.
[ 2015 c 196 § 1; 2011 c 281 § 5.]