If, upon the hearing, the evidence warrants, or, if no person appears as claimant, the judge shall thereupon enter a judgment of forfeiture, and order such articles destroyed forthwith: PROVIDED, That if, in the opinion of the judge, any of the forfeited articles other than intoxicating liquors are of value and adapted to any lawful use, the judge shall, as a part of the order and judgment, direct that the articles other than intoxicating liquor be sold as upon execution by the officer having them in custody, and the proceeds of the sale after payment of all costs of the proceedings shall be paid into the liquor revolving fund.
[ 1987 c 202 § 222; 1955 c 39 § 9. Prior: 1943 c 216 § 3(3), part; 1933 ex.s. c 62 § 33(2), part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 7306-33(3), part.]
Intent—1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.