There shall be a grower's license to sell wine or spirits made from grapes or other agricultural products owned at the time of vinification or distillation by the licensee in bulk to holders of domestic wineries', distillers', or manufacturers' licenses or for export. The wine or spirits shall be made upon the premises of a domestic winery or craft distillery licensee and is referred to in this section as grower's wine or grower's spirits. A grower's license authorizes the agricultural product grower to contract for the manufacturing of wine or spirits from the grower's own agricultural product, store wine or spirits in bulk made from agricultural products produced by the holder of this license, and to sell wine or spirits in bulk made from the grower's own agricultural products to a winery or distillery in the state of Washington or to export in bulk for sale out-of-state. The annual fee for a grower's license shall be seventy-five dollars. For the purpose of chapter 66.28 RCW, a grower licensee shall be deemed a manufacturer.
[ 2010 c 290 § 4; 1986 c 214 § 1.]