There shall be a beer and wine retailer's license that may be combined only with the on-premises licenses described in either RCW 66.24.320 or 66.24.330. The combined license permits the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the premises.
(1) Beer and wine sold for consumption off the premises must be in original sealed packages of the manufacturer or bottler.
(2) Beer may be sold to a purchaser in a sanitary container brought to the premises by the purchaser and filled at the tap by the retailer at the time of sale.
(3) Licensees holding this type of license also may sell malt liquor in kegs or other containers that are capable of holding four gallons or more of liquid and are registered in accordance with RCW 66.28.200.
(4) The board may impose conditions upon the issuance of this license to best protect and preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
(5) The annual fee for this license shall be one hundred twenty dollars.
[ 1997 c 321 § 21; (2009 c 507 § 4 expired July 1, 2011).]
Expiration date—2009 c 507: See note following RCW 66.24.320.
Effective date—1997 c 321: See note following RCW 66.24.010.