(1) The board shall regulate a required alcohol server education program that includes:
(a) Development of the curriculum and materials for the education program;
(b) Examination and examination procedures;
(c) Certification procedures, enforcement policies, and penalties for education program instructors and providers;
(d) The curriculum for an approved class 12 alcohol permit training program that includes but is not limited to the following subjects:
(i) The physiological effects of alcohol including the effects of alcohol in combination with drugs;
(ii) Liability and legal information;
(iii) Driving while intoxicated;
(iv) Intervention with the problem customer, including ways to stop service, ways to deal with the belligerent customer, and alternative means of transportation to get the customer safely home;
(v) Methods for checking proper identification of customers;
(vi) Nationally recognized programs, such as TAM (Techniques in Alcohol Management) and TIPS (Training for Intervention Programs) modified to include Washington laws and regulations.
(2) The board shall provide the program through liquor licensee associations, independent contractors, private persons, private or public schools certified by the board, or any combination of such providers.
(3) Each training entity shall provide a class 12 permit to the manager or bartender who has successfully completed a course the board has certified. A list of the individuals receiving the class 12 permit shall be forwarded to the board on the completion of each course given by the training entity.
(4) After January 1, 1997, the board shall require all alcohol servers applying for a class 13 alcohol server permit to view a video training session. Retail liquor licensees shall fully compensate employees for the time spent participating in this training session.
(5) When requested by a retail liquor licensee, the board shall provide copies of videotaped training programs that have been produced by private vendors and make them available for a nominal fee to cover the cost of purchasing and shipment, with the fees being deposited in the liquor revolving fund for distribution to the board as needed.
(6) Each training entity may provide the board with a video program of not less than one hour that covers the subjects in subsection (1)(d)(i) through (v) of this section that will be made available to a licensee for the training of a class 13 alcohol server.
(7) Applicants shall be given a class 13 permit upon the successful completion of the program.
(8) A list of the individuals receiving the class 13 permit shall be forwarded to the board on the completion of each video training program.
(9) The board shall develop a model permit for the class 12 and 13 permits. The board may provide such permits to training entities or licensees for a nominal cost to cover production.
(10)(a) Persons who have completed a nationally recognized alcohol management or intervention program since July 1, 1993, may be issued a class 12 or 13 permit upon providing proof of completion of such training to the board.
(b) Persons who completed the board's alcohol server training program after July 1, 1993, but before July 1, 1995, may be issued a class 13 permit upon providing proof of completion of such training to the board.
[ 1996 c 311 § 2; 1995 c 51 § 4.]
Findings—1995 c 51: See note following RCW 66.20.300.