If an instrument contains contradictory terms, typewritten terms prevail over printed terms, handwritten terms prevail over both, and words prevail over numbers.
[ 1993 c 229 § 16; 1965 ex.s. c 157 § 3-114. Cf. former RCW sections: (i) RCW 62.01.006(1); 1955 c 35 § 62.01.006; prior: 1899 c 149 § 6; RRS § 3397. (ii) RCW 62.01.011; 1955 c 35 § 62.01.011; prior: 1899 c 149 § 11; RRS § 3402. (iii) RCW 62.01.012; 1955 c 35 § 62.01.012; prior: 1899 c 149 § 12; RRS § 3403. (iv) RCW 62.01.017(3); 1955 c 35 § 62.01.017; prior: 1899 c 149 § 17; RRS § 3408.]
Recovery of attorneys' fees—Effective date—1993 c 229: See RCW 62A.11-111 and 62A.11-112.