(1)(a) The form and manner of selling real estate by execution shall be as follows: The sheriff shall proclaim aloud at the place of sale, in the hearing of all the bystanders: "I am about to sell the following tracts of real estate (here reading the description,) upon the following execution:" (here reading the execution). The sheriff shall also state the amount that is required upon the execution, which shall include damages, interests and costs up to the day of sale, and increased costs. The sheriff shall then offer the land for sale.
(b) If the sale is by electronic media, a copy of the execution shall be posted on the website hosting the auction sale. The website shall also include a statement from the sheriff that states the amount that is required upon the execution, which shall include damages, interests and costs up to the day of sale, and increased costs. The sheriff shall then offer the land for sale.
(2) If the sale is of real property consisting of several known lots or parcels, they shall be sold separately or otherwise as the sheriff deems likely to bring the highest price, except that if an interest in a portion of such real property is claimed by a third person who, by request directed to the sheriff in writing prior to the sale or orally or in writing at the sale before the bidding is begun, requests that it be sold separately, such portion shall be sold separately. Bids on all land except town lots may be by the acre or by tract or parcel.
(3) If the land is sold by the acre and any fewer number of acres than the whole tract or parcel is sold, it shall be measured off to the purchaser in a square form, from the northeast corner of the tract or parcel, unless some person claiming an interest in the land, by request directed to the sheriff in writing prior to the sale or orally or in writing at the sale before the bidding is begun, requests that the land sold be taken from some other part or in some other form; in such case, if the request is reasonable, the officer making the sale shall sell accordingly.
(4) If an entire tract or parcel of land is sold by the acre, it shall not be measured but shall be deemed and taken to contain the number of acres named in the description, and be paid for accordingly; and if the number of acres is not contained in the description, the officer shall declare according to his or her judgment how many acres are contained therein, which shall be deemed and taken to be the true number of acres.
[ 2021 c 122 § 13; 1987 c 442 § 609; Code 1881 § 363; 1877 p 79 § 366; 1869 p 94 § 359; 1854 p 181 § 262; RRS § 587. Formerly RCW 6.24.060.]
Finding—Intent—2021 c 122: See note following RCW 2.32.050.