(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, property claimed exempt under RCW 6.15.010 shall be selected by the individual entitled to the exemption, or by the husband or wife entitled to a community exemption, in the manner described in subsection (3) of this section.
(2) If, at the time of seizure under execution or attachment of property exemptible under *RCW 6.15.010(3) (a), (b), or (c), the individual or the husband or wife entitled to claim the exemption is not present, then the sheriff or deputy shall make a selection equal in value to the applicable exemptions and, if no appraisement is required and no objection is made by the creditor as permitted under subsection (4) of this section, the officer shall return the same as exempt by inventory. Any selection made as provided shall be prima facie evidence (a) that the property so selected is exempt from execution and attachment, and (b) that the property so selected is not in excess of the values specified for the exemptions.
(3)(a) A debtor who claims personal property as exempt against execution or attachment shall, at any time before sale, deliver to the officer making the levy a list by separate items of the property claimed as exempt, together with an itemized list of all the personal property owned or claimed by the debtor, including money, bonds, bills, notes, claims and demands, with the residence of the person indebted upon the said bonds, bills, notes, claims and demands, and shall verify such list by affidavit. The officer shall immediately advise the creditor, attorney, or agent of the exemption claim and, if no appraisement is required and no objection is made by the creditor as permitted under subsection (4) of this section, the officer shall return with the process the list of property claimed as exempt.
(b) A debtor who claims personal property exempt against garnishment shall proceed as provided in RCW 6.27.160.
(c) A debtor who claims as a homestead, under chapter 6.13 RCW, a mobile home that is not yet occupied as a homestead and that is located on land not owned by the debtor shall claim the homestead as against a specific levy by delivering to the sheriff who levied on the mobile home, before sale under the levy, a declaration of homestead that contains (i) a declaration that the debtor owns the mobile home, intends to reside therein, and claims it as a homestead, and (ii) a description of the mobile home, a statement where it is located or was located before the levy, and an estimate of its actual cash value.
(d) A debtor who claims as a homestead, under RCW 6.13.040, any other personal property, shall at any time before sale, deliver to the officer making the levy a notice of claim of homestead in a statement that sets forth the following: (i) The debtor owns the personal property; (ii) the debtor resides thereon as a homestead; (iii) the debtor's estimate of the fair market value of the property; and (iv) the debtor's description of the property in sufficient detail for the officer making the levy to identify the same.
(4)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, a creditor, or the agent or attorney of a creditor, who wishes to object to a claim of exemption shall proceed as provided in RCW 6.27.160 and shall give notice of the objection to the officer not later than seven days after the officer's giving notice of the exemption claim.
(b) A creditor, or the agent or attorney of the creditor, who wishes to object to a claim of exemption made to a levying officer, on the ground that the property claimed exceeds exemptible value, may demand appraisement. If the creditor, or the agent or attorney of the creditor, demands an appraisement, two disinterested persons shall be chosen to appraise the property, one by the debtor and the other by the creditor, agent or attorney, and these two, if they cannot agree, shall select a third; but if either party fails to choose an appraiser, or the two fail to select a third, or if one or more of the appraisers fail to act, the court shall appoint one or more as the circumstances require. The appraisers shall forthwith proceed to make a list by separate items, of the personal property selected by the debtor as exempt, which they shall decide as exempt, stating the value of each article, and annexing to the list their affidavit to the following effect: "We solemnly swear that to the best of our judgment the above is a fair cash valuation of the property therein described," which affidavit shall be signed by two appraisers at least, and be certified by the officer administering the oaths. The list shall be delivered to the officer holding the execution or attachment and be annexed to and made part of the return, and the property therein specified shall be exempt from levy and sale, but the other personal estate of the debtor shall remain subject to execution, attachment, or garnishment. Each appraiser shall be entitled to fifteen dollars or such larger fee as shall be fixed by the court, to be paid by the creditor if all the property claimed by the debtor shall be exempt; otherwise to be paid by the debtor.
(c) If, within seven days following the giving of notice to a creditor of an exemption claim, the officer has received no notice from the creditor of an objection to the claim or a demand for appraisement, the officer shall release the claimed property to the debtor.
[ 1993 c 200 § 5; 1988 c 231 § 7; 1987 c 442 § 306; 1973 1st ex.s. c 154 § 15; Code 1881 § 349; 1877 p 74 § 353; 1869 p 88 § 346; RRS § 572. Formerly RCW 6.16.090.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 6.15.010 was amended by 1991 c 112 § 1, changing subsection (3)(a), (b), and (c) to subsection (3)(a) and (b). RCW 6.15.010 was subsequently amended by 2011 c 162 § 2, changing subsection (3)(a) and (b) to subsection (1)(c)(i) and (ii). RCW 6.15.010 was subsequently amended by 2018 c 199 § 203, changing subsection (1)(c)(i) and (ii) to subsection (1)(d)(i) and (ii).
Severability—1988 c 231: See note following RCW 6.01.050.
Severability—1973 1st ex.s. c 154: See note following RCW 2.12.030.