(1) The notice to tenants required by RCW 59.28.040 shall state:
(a) Whether the owner (i) intends to prepay the mortgage or loan or allow the rental assistance contract to expire in order to operate the housing without any low-income use restrictions, (ii) plans on renewing the rental assistance contract subject to the availability of adequate appropriations, or (iii) is seeking additional financial incentives or higher rents as a condition of remaining in the federal program; (b) the reason the owner plans on taking this action; (c) the owner's plans for the project, including any timetables or deadlines for actions to be taken by the owner and any specific federal, state, or local agency approvals that the owner is required to obtain; (d) the anticipated date of the prepayment of the mortgage or loan or expiration of the rental assistance contract; (e) the effect, if any, that prepayment of the mortgage or loan or expiration of the rental assistance contract will have upon the tenants' rent and other terms of their rental agreement; and (f) that additional information will be served on the city or county, on the local public housing agency, and on the *department of community, trade, and economic development and will be posted at the development. The owner shall also include with the notice written information, prepared by the *department of community, trade, and economic development under RCW 59.28.120(1), concerning the legal rights, responsibilities, and options of owners and tenants when an owner intends to prepay a mortgage or loan or terminate a rental assistance contract.
(2) The notice to the city or county clerk and to the *department of community, trade, and economic development required by RCW 59.28.040 shall state: (a) The name, location, and project number of the federally assisted housing and the type of assistance received from the federal government; (b) the number and size of units; (c) the age, race, family size, and estimated incomes of the tenants who will be affected by the prepayment of the loan or mortgage or expiration of the federal assistance contract; (d) the current rents and projected rent increases for each affected tenant after the prepayment of the mortgage or loan or expiration of the rental assistance contract without disclosing the identities of the affected tenants; (e) the availability and type, if any, of rental assistance after the prepayment of the mortgage or loan or expiration of the rental assistance contract; and (f) the age, race, family size, and estimated incomes of any applicants on the project's waiting list without disclosing the identities of the applicants. The owner shall attach to this notice a copy of the notice the owner sends to the tenants under this chapter.
(3) All owners of federally assisted housing shall immediately post a copy of any notices they send the city or county clerk, any public housing agency, and the *department of community, trade, and economic development, under RCW 59.28.040, in a conspicuous place at the development where they are likely to be seen by current and prospective tenants. The notices shall be maintained intact and in legible form for twelve months from the date they are posted.
All owners of federally assisted housing shall, upon request of any state or local agency, provide the agency with a copy of any rent comparability study, market analysis, or projected budget that they submit to the United States department of housing and urban development or other federal agency in conjunction with the prepayment of their mortgage or loan or in anticipation of the expiration of their rental assistance contract, together with any physical inspection reports or capital needs assessments completed by the owner or federal agency within the last three years.
[ 2000 c 255 § 4; 1995 c 399 § 162; 1989 c 188 § 6.]
*Reviser's note: The "department of community, trade, and economic development" was renamed the "department of commerce" by 2009 c 565.