(1) The *department of community, trade, and economic development shall establish the rental security deposit guarantee program. Through this program the *department of community, trade, and economic development shall provide grants and technical assistance to local governments or nonprofit corporations, including local housing authorities as defined in RCW 35.82.030, who operate emergency housing shelters or transitional housing programs. The grants are to be used for the payment of residential rental security deposits under this chapter. The technical assistance is to help the local government or nonprofit corporation apply for grants and carry out the program. In order to be eligible for grants under this program, the recipient local government or nonprofit corporation shall provide fifteen percent of the total amount needed for the security deposit. The security deposit may include last month's rent where such rent is required as a normal practice by the landlord.
(2) The grants and matching funds shall be placed by the recipient local government or nonprofit corporation in a revolving loan fund and deposited in a bank or savings institution in an account that is separate from all other funds of the recipient. The funds and interest earned on these funds shall be utilized only as collateral to guarantee the payment of a security deposit required by a residential rental property owner as a condition for entering into a rental agreement with a prospective tenant.
(3) Prospective tenants who are eligible to participate in the rental security deposit guarantee program shall be limited to homeless persons or families who are residing in an emergency shelter or transitional housing operated by a local government or a nonprofit corporation, or to families who are temporarily residing in a park, car, or are otherwise without adequate shelter. The local government or nonprofit corporation shall make a determination regarding the person's or family's eligibility to participate in this program and a determination that a local rental unit is available for occupation. A determination of eligibility shall include, but is not limited to: (a) A determination that the person or family is homeless or is in transitional housing; (b) a verification of income and that the person or family can reasonably make the monthly rental payment; and (c) a determination that the person or family does not have the financial resources to make the rental security deposit.
[ 1995 c 399 § 157; 1988 c 237 § 2.]
*Reviser's note: The "department of community, trade, and economic development" was renamed the "department of commerce" by 2009 c 565.