It shall be the duty of the tenant to pay the rental amount at such times and in such amounts as provided for in the rental agreement or as otherwise provided by law and comply with all obligations imposed upon tenants by applicable provisions of all municipal, county, and state codes, statutes, ordinances, and regulations, and in addition the tenant shall:
(1) Keep the mobile home lot which he or she occupies and uses as clean and sanitary as the conditions of the premises permit;
(2) Properly dispose of all rubbish, garbage, and other organic or flammable waste, in a clean and sanitary manner at reasonable and regular intervals, and assume all costs of extermination and fumigation for infestation caused by the tenant on the tenant's leased premises;
(3) Not intentionally or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any facilities, equipment, furniture, furnishings, fixtures, or appliances provided by the landlord, or permit any member of his or her family, invitee, or licensee, or any person acting under his or her control to do so;
(4) Not permit a nuisance or common waste; and
(5) Not engage in drug-related activities as defined in RCW 59.20.080.
[ 2010 c 8 § 19035; 1988 c 150 § 6; 1979 ex.s. c 186 § 9.]
Legislative findings—Severability—1988 c 150: See notes following RCW 59.18.130.
Severability—1979 ex.s. c 186: See note following RCW 59.20.030.