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57.20.040 Guaranty fund — Duties of the district.
[1937 c 102 § 1(c); 1935 c 82 § 1; RRS § 11589-1(c).]
Now codified in RCW 57.20.030.

57.20.050 Guaranty fund — Warrants on.
[1937 c 102 § 1(d), (e); 1935 c 82 § 1; RRS § 11589-1(d), (e).]
Now codified in RCW 57.20.030.

57.20.060 Guaranty fund — Certificates of delinquency — Issuance and sale.
[1937 c 102 § 1(f), part; 1935 c 82 § 1; RRS § 11589-1(f), part.]
Now codified in RCW 57.20.030.

57.20.070 Certificates of delinquency — Foreclosure — Redemption.
[1937 c 102 § 1(f), part; 1935 c 82 § 1; RRS § 11589-1(f), part.]
Now codified in RCW 57.20.030.

57.20.100 Annual tax levy.
[1984 c 230 § 84; 1983 c 3 § 163; 1973 1st ex.s. c 195 § 73; 1951 2nd ex.s. c 25 § 4; 1951 c 62 § 1; 1929 c 114 § 18; RRS § 11595. Cf. 1913 c 161 § 17.]
Repealed by 1996 c 230 § 1703, effective July 1, 1997. Later enactment, see RCW 57.20.105.

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