In addition to providing crime prevention training as provided in *section 2 of this act, all employers operating late night retail establishments shall:
(1) Post a conspicuous sign in the window or door which states that there is a safe on the premises and it is not accessible to the employees on the premises and that the cash register contains only the minimal amount of cash needed to conduct business: PROVIDED, That an employer shall not be subject to penalties under RCW 49.22.030 for having moneys in the cash register in excess of the minimal amount needed to conduct business;
(2) So arrange all material posted in the window or door so as to provide a clear and unobstructed view of the cash register, provided the cash register is otherwise in a position visible from the street;
(3) Have a drop-safe, limited access safe, or comparable device on the premises; and
(4) Operate the outside lights for that portion of the parking area that is necessary to accommodate customers during all night hours the late night retail establishment is open, if the late night retail establishment has a parking area for its customers.
[ 1989 c 357 § 3.]
*Reviser's note: "Section 2 of this act" was vetoed by the governor.